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A Storehouse with a view
  the Mihai Oroveanu archive
  at the Salonul de proiecte

   Zeppelin_Tales about Houses, Cities and People

Gastrolab Piata Victoriei
natura in inima urbana a Bucurestiului 


Imaginam, zi de zi, posibile realitati


Vederi incantatoare

Arhitectura_concept/abstractizare #654/2014

“Dincolo de oras”
“Beyond the city”
CER - Centrul de Ecoturism Rowmania

Zeppelin_Editura Universitara “Ion Mincu”_2013

Black Sea Tourism Planning and Architecture of 60s and 70s. Case Study: Romania and Turkey
The diary_2013

Adhocracy - The Archaeology of Now
1st Istanbul Design Biennial_2012

Αθήνα, Βουκουρέστι, Νέα Υόρκη
Soul 63_2012

Interview: Tzina Sotiropoulou

“The Archeology of Now”

1st. Istambul Design Biennial

This research is a part of the research which started in 1997 by prof. Anni Vryhea, in architectural school, ntua, under the name: documentation of the spatial evidences of the “rum”community in Istanbul: urban, architectural & photografic documentation. It includes all the built environment that the “rum” community created and lived in: churches, schools, communitary foundations, clubs, orphan houses, houses, cemeteries and monuments.
Kalliopi Dimou, Sorin Istudor, Spyros Nasainas, Katerina Polychroniadi

Ανάπλαση Πλατείας Καπνεργάτη στην Καβάλα
6n BIENNALE_2010

Kalliopi Dimou, Sorin Istudor, Penny Loukakou, Tzina Sotiropoulou, Dimitra Siatitsa